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Below are some questions that we expect to get. If your question is not listed, you can e-mail it to

Do you also have a few sample albums?
Yes, we have three demo albums online.
Demo album 1
Demo album 2
Demo album 3

What size may the foto’s have?
At the moment, we have a limit of 10Mb. For the most photos, this should be more than enough.

I have more than 10 albums that I want to put online. Is that allowed?
For now, there are no maximum number of photo albums per user. For the future, we don’t expect there will be a change.

Are my photos visible to everyone?
Yes and no. Anyone to who you send the photo album can view it through a special link. Anyone who gets that special link hands can use it to view the album. Without the special link you cannot view the photos.

Can I also put different files online?
No, this website is only for photo files.



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